Classical civil engineering projects are public investments in an efficient infrastructure, either for standard tasks in road building or in the interaction of complex measures such as the
construction of a landfill site. A comprehensive project planning ensures the efficient use of precisely adapted technologies and building materials to ensure that the implemented measures lead
to the best possible result.
In our company, earthworks are strongly connected with road and canal building. But also earthwork for landscape architecture, excavations and exposure of buildings for insulation tasks are among
the services we offer to our customers. We guarantee our customers the realisation of ecologically sound solutions compliant with all legal and communal requirements. For us, it is no problem if
the soil is heavily contaminated or not,we can deal with it.
Plambeck ContraCon
Bau und Umwelttechnik GmbH
Präsident-Herwig-Str. 27
27472 Cuxhaven
Telefon: +49 (0) 4721 - 66 77 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 4721 - 66 77 150